Curiosity Can Help You Create a Life of Alignment and Abundance

As a kid, one of my favorite books was Harriet the Spy.

What I loved most about Harriet was her curiosity. I resonated with how badly she wanted to know about other human beings. I, too, wanted to see the insides of people's lives and to know their deepest truths.

Harriet was ahead of her time, and wildly misunderstood. She wasn’t nosy — she was a sociologist, a researcher! We both filled our notebooks with observations and reflections; we both found a playground on the page.

Now, as a 31-year old, I still try to nurture my inner Harriet the Spy. Not by sneaking around people’s houses, but by being insatiably curious about the world. By being a loyal witness to what’s going on around me, and doing my best to understand what I observe.

I consider this to be one of my best qualities. To be curious is to have an open mind, a willingness to discover, learn, know, and understand.

My biggest question is how to live well and meaningfully — how to have a joyful human experience and create good in the process.

This my life’s ongoing research project. I look for answers everywhere.

I have no doubts that I have access to wisdom, messages, guidance and remembering because I SEEK and MAKE SPACE for them to come to me.

I look to the Earth — to use nature as a model and a reminder.

I look to teachers — those who offer guidance based on study and experience.

I look within — I listen to my inner guidance. I trust my intuition. I create opportunities to hear the voice of the wise, enlightened being that lives inside.

I hold space for my curiosity by taking classes, reading, traveling, meditating, journaling, having intentional conversations, journeying with plant medicine, and cultivating inner quiet and presence.

This practice of honoring my curiosity is what allows me to create a life of alignment and abundance.

When I eagerly follow the road to clarity and enlightenment, I am lead home every time. 😌

Dear One: What BIG life questions are you sitting with these days? And how are you following your curiosity? Drop your answers below, I really want to know.

Additional Resource:

  • How to Cultivate a Positive Mindset by Julio Cardona

Jamila Reddy