Your Purpose Informs Your Practice

For most of my life, I played small.

I was a living example of that quote, “Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”

I was afraid to step into my role as a light bringer, teacher, and guide. I was afraid of the hard work it would require. Afraid that I would fail.

So I clung to the story that it “Didn’t really matter” how I lived or what I did with my life. Until, in 2015, I had a major wake up call.

Within a year, two people close to me died. Their deaths made me realize: Being alive isn’t something to take for granted.

I got curious about LIVING. I understood that being alive was not a random coincidence — that I had the privilege of aliveness for a REASON.

Death compelled me to ask: Why am I alive?

In asking, answers emerged.

I am alive to contribute to the creation of a world where all beings are able to thrive and live into their fullest potential.

This vision of Earth and humanity being restored to a natural state of balance, harmony, and abundance informs the way I move through the world.

It informs the way I eat, rest, learn, relate, think, act, talk, consume, and choose. It informs EVERYTHING I do.

When I understand that I am a divine being CHOSEN to manifest on Earth to fulfill a cosmic mission — I shape my life accordingly.

I don’t allow myself to be depleted and distracted. I honor routines that reconnect me to my true nature and my power. I prioritize that which supports me being my best & brightest.

My purpose informs my practices.

Dear One: Even if you don’t know your purpose, DARE TO BELIEVE that you have one, and get curious about what it could be!

Take yourself seriously as a cosmic being here to use your life in service of the Greatest Good.

You don’t have to know exactly what you’re alive to do, you simply have to TRUST that you’re here to do something extraordinary – something only YOU can do. And then, devote yourself to doing it well.

Honor the practices that support you being as AVAILABLE as possible for your purpose. And watch your whole life transform .

Jamila Reddy