The current state of affairs in the United States and all across the world compels to me reflect on my role in shaping the future.
Read MoreThis election has renewed my investment in using my life as a site of resistance — making the way I exist in the world a radical response to systemic oppression.
Read MoreNo matter who wins, this much is clear: We have work to do.
Read MoreI don't want to work a job I don't like — to afford things I don't actually need — just because I convinced myself that I had no other choice.
Read MoreAm I officially a freelance writer with no boss but my damn self— the thing I want more than anything in the world— or does that mean I’m just …. unemployed?
Read MoreI wouldn't rather be doing anything else but writing. And that's exactly what I'm asking you to help me do.
Read MoreInstead of talking about what Korryn could have done not to get shot, we should be talking about what police can do to not shoot people.
Read MoreI tried to make my relationships work by pretending that nothing was wrong with them.
Read MoreI wish more white people showed the same enthusiasm for Black music, Black fashion, Black language, and Black dances towards Black people as human beings whose lives are worthy of being protected.
Read MoreWhat would it be like to reclaim the performance of our own complex identities? To step all the way into it, and to do so on our own terms?
Read MoreIf you ask yourself: If I die tomorrow, would I be happy with my life? and the answer is anything other than an enthusiastic yes, it's time to make some changes.
Read MoreEgo will show up dressed like fear, looking like jealously, sounding like procrastination, acting like self-sabotage.
Read MoreWhen someone who offers a gift to the world is no longer here to give it, it's simply an opportunity for us fill up the space that they left.
Read Moremelissa harris perry makes me want to work on myself. beyonce makes me want to work on myself. rihanna, dear god rihanna.
Read MoreThere's a whole world out there that tells you that your voice isn't necessary. That what you're doing is extraneous. That it's some kind of luxury. Part of the work, then, becomes convincing yourself that what you're doing is powerful and necessary.
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