Five things I did to create my dream life

I’m not gonna lie. I’m pretty proud of myself. I’ve created a life that exceeds what I had imagined, and I’ve survived things I thought would surely defeat me. Although there’s not one Universal route that works for everyone  — I took a stab at breaking down the steps I took to retire from my "normal" life and turn it into something extraordinary, obstacles and all.

Here are five things I did to stop dreaming about the life I wanted, and actually start creating it. 

1. Take a real close look at my life.

I had to ask myself, Do the spaces I spend my time in light me up? Do the people I spend time with make me feel seen, understood, and worthy? Do they affirm my magnitude, or diminish it? Am I wasting my days doing work that energizes, or drains me? Is this what I really want, or am I settling? Does this grow me, or hinder my growth?

2. Believe I was worthy.

Everything I called to me came as a result of my willingness to seek it.  I came to understand that I didn’t have to “do” anything to deserve a beautiful life. Human beings are born to live beautiful lives. Period. I don’t have to earn it — it is my right.

3. Embrace the Unknown.

I made progress when I released the attachment to know every step. I committed to doing the first brave thing I could think of, and then another brave thing after that. I  don’t always have to create the path. If I stay open to the possibility of many routes and many destinations — the path establishes itself.


I took action, even if I was terrified. I stopped letting fear convince me that I needed to shrink, or run, or hide. I befriended fear. I realized that when I stopped trying to get rid of FEAR, it had less power over me.

5. Make hard, uncomfortable decisions.

I had to initiate a lot of transitions. I had to be willing to endure the discomfort of change, and the disruption of routine. I had to tell people I loved that I could no longer be with them, and I had to leave spaces that had nurtured me. All of this was painful. I knew that these difficult decisions would liberate me, so — like my ancestors — I kept my eye on freedom, and made them one by one.

Thanks for coming along for the journey.

Jamila Reddy